Friday, March 2, 2018

Rita Week 4

Here's my homework for week 4. I enjoyed this week's homework, but I feel like I tend to lose the structure of my drawing as I render and sometimes I'm not sure how to bring it back. Maybe I'm not focusing enough on my set up?

Thanks for this awesome class Bryan, i've learned a ton!

Jenny Tan Week 04

Hey Team!

Some Questions for Bryan (sorry if it's too many, you can skip them or answer them in text)

- I had trouble getting clean gradients and had to resort to airbrush tool how do you get such clean gradients?
- When I did things like wrinkles or smile lines they would look very obvious and cut out, how do you do them so subtly
- Do you have any tips going from digital to pencil. I find whenever I draw traditionally I can never get the same range of values and it looks terrible.
- Any tips for drawing heads from imagination for creative work.

Here's my attempts

Thanks Bryan! Appreciate everything.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Week 4- Chris

- I gave up on render #2 because I botched the basic structure and tilt of the head
-There was a third head I just threw away without saving because it was going badly - difficulty with ambient lighting